Tuning your P1 Modem

Wow , this is my first post in the month of April and its about time that I did one. Actually one of my readers made me to write this post. Basically he wanted to know how to tune his P1 Modem and to position it properly in order to get better speed.

First thing first , you need to connect directly to your PC. You must bypass your router (I’ll guide you later on how to get it to play along with your router and port forward such). Assuming that we have got it to work (i.e Internet works , the modem shows a solid green or amber light). Fire up your web browser (Internet Explorer/Safari/Firefox/Google’s own browser) and go to (or just click on the link and enter your username/password) . You’ll be prompted to enter the username and password.

Username : admin
Password : admin123

Now lets take a look at the main screen. This concerns us the most. We are going to use these indicators to help us to position the modem in order to get good speed. The light indicator doesn’t tell us much , it just tells good or bad but it doesn’t tell you how good or how bad. These values are commonly used by engineers or those who are in the telecommunications industry to determine how good is the signal. It tells them more then the light indicator !

P1 WiMax Modem Configuration/Status page - (Click to enlarge)
Now let me break it up for you the terms in simple English in order for you to understand to relocate the modem in order to get faster speed/stable connection

Frequency & Bandwidth : Basically just tells us on which band its connected and which bandwidth. Don’t get confused with the available bandwidth. These bandwidth and frequency refers to the link between your modem and to the base tower and not your speed !

BSID - Base Station’s MAC Address.

State - Tells you if its connecting , or has it connected.

Uptime – Tells you how long the modem is turned on. Its measured in seconds. 96 in the picture refers to 1 minute and 36 seconds !

RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indication) – In other words it measures how good is your signal. Keep in mind that there is a negative sign – meaning that the “lower’ the value , the stronger the signal strength is. Think of this in ‘monetary value’ . – RM 70 and – RM 15 , which one is better. Obviously its – RM 15 , as you only have to pay RM 15 in order to settle your debt as opposed to – RM 70. The same concept kicks in for RSSI. For those who have studied physics or who are doing engineering , they would know what RSSI is all about !!!

CINR (Carrier to Interference-plus-Noise Ratio) – What a long name. Anyway , its commonly used in telecommunication engineering field. Like I’ve said the values there aren’t for average consumers , thats why they prefer to use the signal indicator but then signal indicator doesn’t give much information to us. CINR measure how good is the signal as opposed to noise. The concept is similar to SNR commonly used in DSL technology except C INR is used to measure in the noise ratio in GSM , CDMA , etc. Okay , let me just put in plain English – Its like this , think of this. You’re going to watch your favourite artist/ preforming live at a stadium. Unfortunately you can’t hear his/her voice (signal strength) clearly clearly because of the wild crowd booing/cheering at her (noise). Hence , CINR shows how well you could hear. The higher the number , the clearer you could hear without any interferences or noise from the background/surroundings !

TX Power – Transmission powers. It just shows how much power is needed to maintain the transmission. Higher the value , the more power is needed to maintain the signal at that level. It shows that you’re bit off coverage

Conclusion : Basically these three values are important for you. So if you plan to relocate your modem in order to get the best speed possible. Just take a look at the values. Make sure you get a “lower” RSSI value and a higher CINR value in order to get superb speed. Just follow these rules of thumb and then do couple of speed tests to determine it. Trust me , your speed would be much more better ! This trick is known as feng shui tuning of the modem.

Source : http://prasys.co.cc/2009/04/tuning-your-p1-modem/


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